

イタリアのミラノとスペインのフェルテヴェントゥーラ2か国同時開催された”国際現代アート”ALDILA”に出展。私の作品”SPRAY"をミラノMADS ART GALLERYのアートキュレーター”LISA GALLETTI”氏から批評文(評論文)をいただきました。こちらの作品と評論文はALDILA展のオフィシャルカタログに掲載されています。

以下ミラノのアートキュレーターLisa Galletti 氏からの”SPRAY"の作品への評論文





それは、自分の魂の広大さ、私たち一人一人の生命エネルギーから湧き出る本質的な美しさを発見するために、自分自身を見つめよう。という叫びなのです。 Lisa Galletti」

下記 原文と原文の日本語訳です。


In the end. art is a tool. Deprived of its aura of solemnity. deprived of historical and cultural connotations, stripped of formal and academic impositions. artistic expression is nothing more than a mere tool at the service of the human begin. Man is in fact the only animal to feel the need to create art, is the only living begin to give a part of himself to the world through the use of color and shapes. is man therefore in constant search of artistic expression? Is the individual instinctively led to express himself through the creation of something new?

is art useful to man or to his soul?

these questions do not need an unequivocal answer, on the other hand are is something extremely far from objective and normative reality.

Let's grasp art as pure formal expression. listening to its chromatic melody and letting ourselves go to the sight of sign and the spot of color.

We open ourselves in making art, in shaping matter and formulating a formal symphony. We open ourselves in receiving art with our full hands, looking at it in its peculiarities, characteristics and creative expression. We embrace the artistic event to go in search of ourselves.

Yukari's work is all about freedom of expression. Free from any tedious academic reminiscence, devoid of obvious references to the real world and stripped of frills and aesthetic affectations, the artist's work is that something in the world that speaks to us of its interiority, that direct line between reality and its soul that would otherwise be invisible.

Definitely invisible. in fact, art has the power to make palpable and observable what in reality is not: feelings, moods, fears and phobias, hopes and desires are all here, in the texture pf the oil pastel that breaks on the rough immaculate paper.

Free from all restrictions and faint memories of a cold winter dawn, the composition is all played out in shades of pink, purple and bluish. composition is all played out in shades of pink, purple and bluish.

The colors, extremely juxtaposed, give an almost magical aura to Spray so much so that, seeing the work out of the corner of the eye, the milky cloud that dwells in the center seems to disappear for certain moments, only to reappear. A faint mirage of moonlight in a rosy desert. Yukari pushes the pastel against the paper, emphasizing the waxy quality of the tool: the result is an extremely varied and multiform texture.

The pigment is almost reduced to a soft cream, a buttery substance that is spread without skimping on a paper so porous that its reliefs can be seen even under thick layers of color.

Yukari's art comes directly from the deepest part of her soul and is the mirror of her ego without restrictions and regulation.

Spray is the graphic representation of the expressive freedom that an individual has the right to achieve and the duty to obtain.

It is a cry to look at oneself in order to discover the vastness of one's own soul, the intrinsic beauty springing from the vital energy of each of us.

                            LISA GALLETTI

日本語訳 全文













リサ ガレッティ